हिन्दी रूपांतर
लोटस आई केयर अस्पताल के आई पि ओ ने शुक्रवार को एक करोर शेयर , 1.18 करोर के शेयर की बोली में प्राप्त किए ।
असंस्थागत हिस्सा 2.63 बार अभिदत्त किया गया । जब तक जमाकर्ता के हिस्से की फूटकर बिक्री पूरी तरह से अभिदत्त न हो जाए तब तक प्रशिक्षित संसथागत खरीददार का हिस्सा 0.63 बार अभिदत्त कियागया।
मूल्य दल प्रकाशित करने के लिए 38 रूपये -42 रूपये के पहले दल से 36 रूपये - 38 रुपये दोहराया गया
कंपनी की योजना ने नए स्वास्थ्य केंद के खुलने से आमदनी का लाभ उठाया । अंशत वित्त आई पि ओ से प्राप्त आय का प्रचार 55 करोर रुपये से जारी किया जाएगा । कंपनी बेंगलोर में प्राथमिक आई केअर केन्द्र की इकाई की स्थापना और चेन्नई में साधारण अक्शु समस्याओ और चश्मे की बिक्री की ऑर ध्यान दिलाया । इसका विचार माध्येमिक आई केयर केन्द्र की स्थापना करना हैं ।
English Translation.
The IPO of Lotus Eye Care Hospitals on Friday has received bids for over 1.18 crore shares against one crore shares on offer.
The non institutional potion was subscribed 2.63 times along with the Qualified Institutional Buyers portion was subscribed 0.63 times while the Retail investors portion was fully subscribed.
The price band for the issue had been revised to Rs36-Rs38 from the earlier band of Rs38-42.
The company plans to utilize the proceeds for opening of new health care centers. It would partly finance its Rs 55-crore expansion through the proceeds of the IPO. The company would set up two primary eye care units in Bangalore and another in Chennai to focus on simple eye problems and optical sales. It also plans to open secondary eye care centre.
The non institutional potion was subscribed 2.63 times along with the Qualified Institutional Buyers portion was subscribed 0.63 times while the Retail investors portion was fully subscribed.
The price band for the issue had been revised to Rs36-Rs38 from the earlier band of Rs38-42.
The company plans to utilize the proceeds for opening of new health care centers. It would partly finance its Rs 55-crore expansion through the proceeds of the IPO. The company would set up two primary eye care units in Bangalore and another in Chennai to focus on simple eye problems and optical sales. It also plans to open secondary eye care centre.
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